
A Proclamation by John Earl of Dunmore in Virginia 7 November 1775
From the National Archives UK
This document dated 7th November 1775 proclaims freedom for slaves who would fight for the British.

Plan of Port Roseway Harbour 1798 showing Birchtown and Shelburne
Map from the Nova Scotia Archives & Records Management
shows Birchtown and Shelburne - dated 1798

Birchbark Canoe
Birchbark Canoe at the Bear River Cultural Centre in Bear River, Nova Scotia picture 2009

Close-up of birchbark canoe
Same Birchbark Canoe at the Bear River Cultural Centre in Bear River, Nova Scotia picture 2009

Pit house front view
This is the front view of a pit house in Nova Scotia on the Old Birchtown Road. Picture private collection 2009

pit house side view
This is the side view of a pit house in Nova Scotia on the Old Birchtown Road. Picture private collection 2009

Les bucherons by Jacques Lisee 2007
Jacques Lisée - Les bûcherons
Acrylique sur bois sculpté, 36 inches x 48 inches - 2007
Private collection
Moulin en scie
Jacques Lisée - Le moulin à scie
Acrylique sur bois sculpté, 30 inches x 36 inches - 2013






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Author Profile

picture of Kevin

Kevin Bannister is Lorraine's husband and the father of five. He is a rancher living in the beautiful foothills of central Alberta. He has been a farmer, businessman, journalist, editor, sportswriter, stockbroker, truck driver, gum puller, janitor, corporate vice president, steelworker and door-to-door salesman.

He would like Thomas Peters and Murphy Steele to be celebrated as the heroes that they were in their lifetimes and to be inspirations to young people everywhere to persevere in the face of bigotry, poverty, government indifference or any other adversity.

He is in great debt, especially to his wife Lorraine who is his greatest critic and a superb editor, to Lorraine Delp his Fireship Press editor and to Mary-Lou and Jacquie at Fireship for publishing the book and guiding him along the way and to his daughter Rebekah who designed and built his web site. He is also thankful for Dr. Daniel Paul who corrected some mistakes and thus improved The Long Way Home.


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Fireship Press


Historical Novel Society

Dr. Daniel N. Paul

Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Bannister